Champion Spotlight: Harry rallies his network to fund a long COVID project that could affect millions

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Having lived with Long Covid for over two years, Kernls Champion Harry Leeming understands first-hand the effects of chronic illness. And when he first learned about Dr. Pretorius's research into the illness, he felt compelled to take action.

Dr. Pretorius discovered microclots in blood samples from Long Covid patients. With a specialized device called a flow cytometer, she can design a blood test to diagnose Long Covid microclots in clinics worldwide.

“Having met Professor Pretorius and taken part in some of her early research, I was keen to support her groundbreaking work in any way I could,” Harry explains. “I reached out to many Long Covid patient advocates in the Long Covid community, who have also been following her work closely, and together helped spread the word across social media.”

Using Kernls as a home base for community amplification came naturally.

“To be able to rally patient advocates into one place on the Kernls platform and focus our combined efforts on promoting Resia’s research meant we could build real momentum for the fundraise.”

In all, the flow cytometer project rallied 11 Champions and recruited the interest and support of philanthropist and Ethereum-founder Vitalik Buterin!

“For chronic illnesses like Long Covid, patients are often the experts in their own condition. Kernls gives these patients the ability to bring about the research that will have the most impact on their condition.”

Harry’s impact through Kernls was instrumental in getting Dr. Pretorius’ project funded in record time. With the flow cytometer now purchased and delivered, we’re excited to share a full progress report later this month! Giving people direct and transparent access to research they care about is a profound driver of critical medical discovery.

According to Harry, “Kernls’ mission is game-changing – not just for LongCovid, but for many other chronic conditions.”

Harry Leeming is a Long Covid Patient Advocate & Founder of Visible, an activity-tracking platform for people with invisible illness. See Harry's project here!