Donorlist supports every aspect of your campaign

See how we save clients over 75 hours on every campaign

Project Pages

Checkmark Symbol
interviews research teams for relevant project details
Checkmark Symbol
develops a project-specific donation page
Checkmark Symbol
creates an intro video that highlights project impact
Checkmark Symbol
writes copy that delivers research goals and matches your voice

Partner Pages

Checkmark Symbol
builds a unique web space for your campaigns
Checkmark Symbol
writes copy that matches your mission and brand language
Checkmark Symbol
creates a set of FAQs to your audience 
Checkmark Symbol
customizes your page for signature campaigns

Enabling Fundraisers

Checkmark Symbol
maintains a logged-in “dashboard” for donors to run fundraising campaigns
Checkmark Symbol
tracks campaign progress and motivates donors to reach their goals
Checkmark Symbol
provides AI-powered email and social post builders
Checkmark Symbol
delivers updates and messages from the research team

Major Donor Engagement

Checkmark Symbol
creates profiles and landing pages for motivated donors and fundraisers
Checkmark Symbol
leverages matching gifts to incentivize campaigns
Checkmark Symbol
provides on-demand support for fundraisers
Checkmark Symbol
supplies campaign insights and next-step suggestions

Corporate Donor Engagement

Checkmark Symbol
showcases organizations supporting projects
Checkmark Symbol
highlights key employees as impact leaders
Checkmark Symbol
helps manage employee giving campaigns

Pipeline Development

Checkmark Symbol
builds special projects for lead generation
Checkmark Symbol
helps execute a lead conversion process
Checkmark Symbol
indicates your highest-value projects based on web engagement

Donor Stewardship

Checkmark Symbol
schedules regular meetings with research teams to track progress
Checkmark Symbol
turns recorded conversations into short update videos
Checkmark Symbol
creates messages and impact reports for your project page
Checkmark Symbol
sends research update emails to your donors
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